Coś rozrzuciłam się z tymi pudełeczkami, ale od dawna chciałam zrobić coś takiego, no i podejść w sumie było dwa. Z czego pierwsze uznałam za nieudane więc nie ma się czym chwalić mówię wprost. To drugie to nie jest wprawdzie dokładnie to co widziałam oczyma wyobraźni ale znośne, więc pokazuje wszem i wobec, żeby nie było że nic nie robię, hihi! Janioł jak się patrzy niby z kamienia ale jednak z glinki polimerowej, pudełko malowane ręcznie do kompletu, zaimpregnowane.
Podziwiajcie i oceniajcie! ;)
I was thinking about a cover for a box since ... God knows when;) Lately I have made some steps towards it and... to be more precise there were two steps. First one was a failure in my opinion so I there is nothing to be proud of. Second one is not as I wanted it to be but still You cannot say I didn't try hihi:)
So here it is, an angel made of stone.... sorry, not stone, it's a polymer clay of course but that was my intention, to make it the way it will look similar to graveyard angel stone sculptures. What is up to box, I have painted it by myself and of course used a varnish spray to secure the wood and keep it in a good condition.
Look for Yourself and judge! :)
Podziwiajcie i oceniajcie! ;)
I was thinking about a cover for a box since ... God knows when;) Lately I have made some steps towards it and... to be more precise there were two steps. First one was a failure in my opinion so I there is nothing to be proud of. Second one is not as I wanted it to be but still You cannot say I didn't try hihi:)
So here it is, an angel made of stone.... sorry, not stone, it's a polymer clay of course but that was my intention, to make it the way it will look similar to graveyard angel stone sculptures. What is up to box, I have painted it by myself and of course used a varnish spray to secure the wood and keep it in a good condition.
Look for Yourself and judge! :)